Addressable TV Advertising

Addressable TV Advertising

Developing technology and internet usage, the advertising sector continues to change and transform as well as the industry.

The fact that the televisions are connected to the internet it is possible to make targeted and measurable advertisements on TV. With these innovations, brands can make targeting appropriate to their audiences and publish their banner and microsite designs.While communicating with the audience instantly, they can also reach the audience in the most efficient and effective way. In addition to the TV device brand, city, day-time and similar targetings, big brands can create a sequel as well as the opportunity to show their ads to more audiences, with the option to show / not show the advertisement to the viewers in the advertising zone. In addition, local brands can also advertise on television to geographic targeting and appropriate budgets. In addition to these, it is possible to create the digital world's marketing opportunities on television screens such as collecting instant data, conducting surveys, giving discount codes, downloading applications with QR code, collecting phone numbers. Another big advantage is that you can access your advertising results in detail with real-time TV data and analysis while collecting data with interactions and clicks. We are here to serve you addressable TV ads with our brand Click here to review our website.


There is no limit to what can be done with technology. Just imagine and want it!

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  • addressable tv
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Addressable TV Advertising