Addressable TV Advertising

Whether on social media, television or billboards, each media has its own communication language. The technical specifications of the channel where the campaign will be published, reached consumers by advertisem and many other factors change the design.
Of course, although there are general design criteria, differences are observed in the design of the brand with its identity, message, targeting audience and used images.
Now, prepare your pen-paper or open your notebook from which device you are reading from now, we will briefly mention the points to be considered in banner and microsite designs.
1- L-Banner
• The banner should have good visuals that make the advertisement more interesting.
• Althought the left part of the banner has the most surface area, the main visual should be here. Call to action should also be present here.
• For longer campaigns, maybe two or three creatives should be prepared. (It should be changed weekly or used alternately. The user would not view the same ad twice in a row.)
2- Microsite
• Microsite design should be as simple as possible.
• It is advantageous to the study design in Photoshop file.
• Always try to find the simplest solution. (For example, a 360-degree rotating image should be implemented as a recorded video, not with many different images coming back to back.)
3- Microsite Edits
- Microsite - Click for static/visual
• Try using a maximum of 5 backgrounds in a microsite.
• Attempt to use only one step / background in micro sites with bonus codes; the user wants the process to be easy and fast.
- Microsite - Click for video
• It should be tried to catch the attention of the users with a message at the beginning of the video. (Normally the striking message is at the end of the video, but many users tend to leave earlier.)
- Microsite - Click to create a potential customer (Actions such as filling out forms)
• Try adding only the numbers. (Users don't want to enter all of their names on the form, it takes a lot of time on TV devices.)
• The user takes action the fastest way possible, is the better. (Enter the number, press OK, finished «is the best.)
• Final results are based on what the user gets from the campaign; a more attractive carrot means more interest in the campaign.
- addressable tv
- advertising
- banner
- microsite
- design
- campaign
- adreslenebilir tv
- reklam
- tasarım
- kampanya